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13VG2812ASII Network Surveillance Camera Lenses

Lens:2.8 - 12mm


13VG2812ASII Network Surveillance Camera Lenses
Wide Type
Imager Size 1/3"
Focal Length 2.8-12mm
Aperture Range F/1.4-360
Iris DC Auto-Iris
13VG2812AS II
Imager Size 1/3"
Mount Type CS
Focal Length 2.8 - 12mm
Aperture Range F/1.4 - 360
Field of View Angle
(Horizontal x Vertical) 1/3" Wide 97.4゜x 72.5゜
Tele 24.1゜x 18.1゜
1/4" Wide 72.5゜x 54.1゜
Tele 18.1゜x 13.6゜
Focusing Range 0.3m - ∞
Operation Focus Manual with Lock
Zoom Manual with Lock
Iris DC Auto Iris
Filter Size -
Back Focal Distance Wide : 8.61( in air )
Tele : 19.90mm( in air )
Wave Length Visible Light
Operating Voltage OPEN : 3.3V
CLOSE : 0.7V
Weight 71g ± 4g
Operating Temperature -20°C - +60°C
Wiring Disgram 13VG2812ASⅡ Wiring Disgram

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Address:Teli Building, Shuibei 2nd Road, Luohu,Shenzhen, China

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